• What is the purpose of this study?

    YIEWSLEY NEEDS US is a neighbourhood research project attempting to assess the opportunity for resident-led regeneration in Yiewsley ward, London Borough of Hillingdon. It is community-led, community-focussed, and politically independent.

  • Why have I been chosen?

    You have been invited to participate in a YIEWSLEY NEEDS US research project as a resident of Yiewsley ward, London Borough of Hillingdon. We would like to gather as many of your stories as possible, so pleasedo get involved if you live in Yiewsley!

  • Do I have to take part?

    Your participation in any of the YIEWSLEY NEEDS US projects is entirely voluntary and refusal or withdrawal from any of these projects, at any time, will involve no penalty or loss, now or in the future.

  • What will happen to me if I take part?

    By taking part in the YNU surveys, you are asked to commit to participating in a four-week long project, with one short survey to be completed each week.

  • What do I have to do?

    Please see the individual project pages on the YIEWSLEY NEEDS US website for a full description of each research project.

  • Are there possible disadvantages or risks in taking part?

    There is no risk involved in participating in the YIEWSLEY NEEDS US research projects. You do not need to provide answers to questions you do not want to answer or feel uncomfortable answering.

  • What are the benefits of taking part?

    YIEWSLEY NEEDS US is particularly interested in understanding the experience of those typically excluded from formal planning and regeneration processes. Participating gives you the opportunity to become a part of the YIEWSLEY NEEDS US neighbourhood research project and have your experiences understood and heard.

  • Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential?

    All data collected will be anonymised, and any personal details kept will only be accessible by the immediate research team and will not be published, unless without your specific consent.

    Those participating in the Postcard Project pilot are able to opt in to displaying a poster showing they are participating in the project, but this is not compulsory and will not affect your participation in the pilot.

    Similarly, any photographic images will not be taken unless consent has been granted.

  • What will happen to the results of the research project?

    A thesis will be completed based upon the findings of the YIEWSLEY NEEDS US projects running through Summer 2024. The results will be used to assess and design a speculative plan for resident-led regeneration in Yiewsley during the first half of 2025. All main findings will be made publicly available on the YIEWSLEY NEEDS US website.

  • Who is organising and funding the research?

    The research is organised by YIEWSLEY NEEDS US lead researcher, Nuala Durkin, as part of the completion of her Master of Architecture degree at the University of Cambridge. It is self-funded by Nuala, with additional financial support from the University of Cambridge. It is hoped that additional funding may be secured in the future based on the research’s findings.